A Man Falls Out of a 200 Story Building and Lives A man falls out of the window of a 200 story building and lives. How? More
It’s Forbidden to Die in Longyearbyen, Norway It’s forbidden to die in Longyearbyen, Norway. The town’s only cemetery closed over 80 years ago because it’s so cold bodies don't decompose. More
At the Moment of Commitment, the Entire Universe Conspires to Assist You. "At the moment of commitment the entire universe conspires to assist you." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe More
Dolphins Use Wingmen Boy dolphins often try to impress girl dolphins by giving them a sponge as a gift. They also work in pairs with other males, making them one of the only species besides humans that use ‘wingmen’. More
Humble Bragging Studies show humble bragging comes off as insincere and makes people like you less than if you just shamelessly self-promote. More
Real Titanic Love Story In the movie Titanic, the story of the old couple who died together in bed was based on real people. More
Moving Your Eyes Moves Your Eardrums When you move your eyes, your eardrums move too − even in the absence of sound. More
Dogs Feel Vulnerable When They Poop Dogs feel vulnerable when they poop, so they often look to their owners for protection − which usually results in awkward staring. More
Order of Adjectives in the English Language When describing something in detail, adjectives are listed in the order of opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material and then purpose. More