Toilet Paper Roll Inventor
The inventor of rolled toilet paper filed an original patent in 1891 that included illustrations of the paper hanging over the roll.

What Age Are People Happiest?
According to an extensive study by researchers at the London School of Economics and Political Science, people are the happiest at 23 and 69 with a dip in happiness in between.

Do Your Best and the Best Will Do You
“Do your best and the best will do you.” – Novelist

Hummingbirds Tongue
A hummingbird’s tongue is so long that it curls up into its skull and around its eyes when not in use

Small Medium at Large
A four-foot-tall fortuneteller escaped from prison. Police are still looking for the small medium at large.

Green Eggs and Ham Bet
Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham on a bet that he couldn’t write a book with only 50 words. He won that bet in 1960 and Green Eggs and Ham has been his top-selling book ever since.