Groundhog Day Results
The 2020 Groundhog Day results are in and aside from the outlier, Shubenacadie Sam in Nova Scotia the remaining North American ground squirrels didn’t see their shadows, predicting an early spring.

Mayday Origin
The vocal distress signal ‘Mayday!’ comes from the French term ’M’aider,’ which means ‘help me.’

If You Tell the Truth, You Don’t Have to Remember Anything
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain

Ajarae Coleman
Ajarae Coleman of ActingResourceGuru.com is not only a phenomenal LA based actor, who you may have seen on shows like ABC’s Scandal, Revenge, Private Practice, and the Catch, or CBS’s the Mccarthys, 2 Broke Girls, and NCIS: New Orleans, NBC’s Days of Our Lives, TNT’s Perception, I’m Sorry on TruTV and more, but she is also like a literal ray of sunshine helping actors illuminate every aspect of the acting journey.

Would You Have Been a Witch?
If you are a woman who is very old, very young, completely broke, rich, single, stubborn, hangs out with other women, has ever had an argument, has too many children, has no children, has a birthmark, or has had milk turn sour in your fridge, you may have been considered a witch in 1692.

Breaking Eye Contact
Breaking eye contact makes you a better conversationalist.