An Octopus Has Three Hearts
Did you know an octopus has THREE hearts? And here’s the crazy part—one of them stops beating when it swims!

Turkey Talk Line
Butterball has a 24 hour turkey talk line for turkey emergencies staffed by 50+ experts.

Call of the Void
L’appel du vide is when you have self-destructive thoughts for a split second. The phrase literally translates as the call of the void.

Rebus Puzzles
There’s a type of puzzle called a rebus where you combine letters, pictures and symbols to convey meaning.

Before You Can Radiate You Need to Absorb
“Before you can radiate you need to absorb. It’s the creativity law of thermodynamics.” – James Cameron

The Prongs on a Dinglehopper are Called Tines
The prongs on a dinglehopper, or a fork, or a trident, are called tines.