American Civil War
More than twice as many soldiers died from disease than battle injuries during the American Civil War.

Island in an Island in an Island
There’s a tiny little island in the Philippines called Vulcan Point Island that is an island within a lake, within an island, within a lake, within an island in the ocean.

In a Jiffy Meaning
‘In a jiffy’ is a common slang term for ‘quickly’ or ‘a moment’ but jiffy is also a unit of measurement in physics.

Two Hats Were Hanging on a Hat Rack
Two hats are hanging on a hat rack. One says to the other, “You stay here; I’ll go on a head.”

Don’t ask for a lighter burden. Ask for a stronger back
“Don’t ask for a lighter burden. Ask for a stronger back.” – Chris Heria

2050 Is as Far Away as 1990
2050 is as far away as 1990